What's new at Ebersole Financial...

Jamie Ebersole

We are very excited to announce that the Ebersole Financial team has grown.  Maysie G. W. Ebersole joined us last week and hit the ground running. While we don't expect her to be productive for quite a while yet, our long term view is that she will be a great brand ambassador and a loyal companion. (Nothing says pandemic like a puppy!)

The move to work-from-home has forced us to reckon with new technologies in both our personal and professional lives. We here at Ebersole Financial are no different and we continue to experiment with and implement new technology solutions for our clients to help them adjust to the challenges of the current time. In addition to conducting more client meetings via Zoom, Skype and Google Meet, we are now offering these additional service for clients, their family and friends and friends of the firm: 

1. Office Hours - Every Thursday morning from 10am until noon, we are holding office hours for anyone who would like to get answers to their pressing questions related to the current pandemic. Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think could benefit from this free consultation. 

Office Hours - 15 minute call

2. Blueleaf - Blueleaf is a great software tool to help you stay organized. The software aggregates the balances of all of your financial accounts in one place, allowing you easy access to your full financial picture. It also allows for performance monitoring of your accounts and we can customize the settings to monitor your overall asset allocation. If you don't already have access to Blueleaf and you would like to have it, please let me know and I will get you registered.  

3. Riskalyze - During this crisis, the stock markets have taken us on a wild ride. For many of us, that has meant that we have been forced to deal with our risk tolerance level. It has also led many of us to think about our ability to take on risk specifically related to our near and longer term financial goals. Riskalyze, through a short scientifically-based questionnaire, allows us to quantify your level of risk tolerance. With this information we can monitor and adjust your portfolio to ensure we don't have too much or too little risk in your portfolio based upon your assets, your age and your financial goals. Please click below to check your risk score. 

 Risk Tolerance Questionnaire 

I hope that you all are doing well and that you are taking advantage of the sunshine and warmer weather to maintain your mental and physical health. Hopefully we will be through the worst of this crisis soon. Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

As an FYI, I am working with a new marketing platform to deliver periodic updates and I would appreciate any feedback that you have (and would like to share) regarding formats, content, frequency of communication, etc. I am also interested to learn more about the issues that are of interest to you now so that I can provide you with the appropriate resources. Thanks in advance for you thoughts and ideas. 

Stay well, 

Jamie and team

By Jamie Ebersole

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