Savvy Social Security Planning

Gretchen Brown

Two out of 3 Americans view Social Security as one of the most important government programs, according to a recent AARP survey. 1/3 of those taking social security rely on it for 90% of their income. While each recipient’s situation is unique, requiring personal planning and analysis to ensure a successful retirement, we can get the conversation started by addressing the basics.

Will Social Security be enough to live on in retirement?

Probably not. Social Security should make up 30-40% of your retirement income. Your benefit amount will be calculated based on what you earned over your working career and the age that you apply for benefits. In general, social security is like a fine wine – the longer you wait, the better it gets. Add in a spouse and the planning gets a bit more complicated.

In this webinar we discuss:

  • A Brief History of the Retirement Age
  • Will Social Security be there for me?
  • Will it be enough to live on?
  • How is my benefit calculated?
  • When should I begin taking benefits?
  • How can I maximize my benefits?
  • What are the next steps?

Rather than try and depend on unreliable opinions and advice from friends, cousins, co-workers and that overly involved neighbor, get the facts from a reliable source that can further help you secure your retirement.

Have questions? Call us at 208.576.6668 or email us at to get answers!

By Gretchen Brown

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